Shop Local SeaTac

Supporting local BIPOC Businesses

A free community crowdsourced list of local BIPOC-owned businesses in the greater Seattle-Tacoma area to help us all shop local for the holidays. Created by the community, for the community.

Front-End Developer
Tara Ghassemikia, Max Brettler, Wil Carletti
Website Build

Creating an easy-to-use, responsive, and accessible website for our community. The website featured a list of over 75 BIPOC-owned businesses, which was crowdsourced by the community. Featuring isotope.js sort and filtering and luxy.js inertia scrolling for a smooth feel. All pages, interactions, and load screens were built by Caleb Smith.

Final Videos

Paul Lebel filmed and edited the final video commercials, which were released on Des Linden's Instagram accounts.

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Explore the mobile version of the website for yourself!